Friday, August 6th, 2004 #1572
The Fifth Megaman Game Nothing Doing
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I had a joke in mind for Wily's explanation of what's wrong with his Instant Robot Maker, but I knew I didn't have enough space to both set up the joke and tell the joke, so the setup went in one comic and the joke went in the next. But that left a comic with no punchline, and when that happens, things get weird.

I believe they were planning on sacrificing that Atomic Chicken, as evidenced by the knife in Dr. Light's hand, though I don't know why. Nor do I know why the Atomic Chicken sounds like a goat. I think I was originally hoping to find a goat sprite, but all I could find was the chicken and figured having it sound like a goat would make this situation no less strange.

By the way, that marking on the back of their cell looked like the image to the right.
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