Wednesday, December 20th, 2000 #250
The Introduction of Bob He Who Runs Away...
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Proto Man isn't running away. He's simply temporarily falling back to gather reinforcements against an obviously more powerful opponent, which is technically different from running away.

One of the most often recurring running gags starts right here, with "This is bad, isn't it?" (though it technically changes to "This is bad, right?" later). I liken it to "I have a bad feeling about this." and its various iterations from Star Wars. It's just one of those phrases that seems to fit so very often in the circumstances the characters find themselves in.

I wonder what that says about the circumstances the characters find themselves in in this comic... aside from they're just typically bad.

Near the end of the comic, though, I found myself using the line so often, I felt obligated to change it up as often as I could, so sometimes the situation isn't nearly as bad as the characters think, and sometimes it's far worse.
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