Wednesday, November 1st, 2000 #201
Just Another Day My Turn
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Like so many Photoshop neophytes, I was completely enamored with the Lens Flare filter option. I don't think I ever progressed to the level of "lens flare whore", but I did think it would be the perfect tool to show off the Author's new entrance effect, which is, of course, a complete rip-off of the "Q-Flash" from Star Trek.

As I probably mentioned in earlier commentary, when the comic first started, I was torn as to what to do about image formats. Photo Editor couldn't make a decent GIF at all, but it had a decent PNG converter. Unfortunately, at the time, PNG wasn't fully supported by most people's browsers, so I couldn't use it. Instead, I had to convert all my comics to JPG, which makes sprite comics look like crap. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, I decided to simply do both. I mirrored the site, one half PNG and the other JPG.

But, once I started using Photoshop and realized it has an excellent GIF converter, I immediately converted all of my files to GIF and discarded the PNGs and JPGs. (Unfortunately, this was some of a mistake, since I didn't have the original bitmaps of my first month anymore...) Later on, when PNG started becoming popular, I converted all of my comics to that format, as many webcomic creators did, because optimized PNGs tend to be a bit smaller than GIFs, and no one was threatening to sue everyone who used PNGs. Now if only that MNG format would take off.

Oh, and if you're wondering why the punchline is about me being the bathroom, let's just say I have a reputation for reading in the bathroom, as disturbing as that is to think about.
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