Sunday, March 25th, 2001 #345
Back to the Past The Obvious Paradox
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Once again we have something of a paradox on our hands. If the Mega Man of the future doesn't defeat the Wily of the past, then the Wily of the past would have succeeded and the Mega Man of the future would never exist as he is now to travel back in time in the first place to stop the Wily of the past. So how could a Mega Man of the future possibly exist to stop the Wily of the past? Clearly, the only solution is that the Mega Man of the future must stop the Wily of the past and set things right, or else none of it could happen.

Thought that might too fatalistic of an outlook for what is essentially the classic grandfather paradox.

One could argue that this is exactly the same paradox presented in the first Back to the Future movie. If Marty didn't succeed in hooking his parents up, then he would've never been born, but then he never would've been able to travel back in time in the first place, and he never would've disrupted their first meeting in the first place. So the only way any of it could happen is if he was ultimately successful. But I suppose looking at it from that perspective ruins all the drama, doesn't it?
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