Tuesday, September 5th, 2000 #158
The Attack on Dr. Wily The Attack
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When I was making this comic, I couldn't find any sprites of Mega Man using his weapons from the first game, so I made do with what sprites I could find and some crappy Paint effects. I mean, I'm pretty sure Fire Man's weapon doesn't actually shoot out little fireball guys... but it'd be pretty cool if it did. You know, I don't know why I didn't just get a copy of the ROM and rip the sprites from it. I was probably feeling too lazy. Er, I mean, that would be illegal, and I would NEVER do that. Ever. Ever-ever. Ever.

Oddly enough, if you look at the sound effects in the second panel, you might notice that I outlined the text in black. I have no idea why I did that, except perhaps to help them stand out against all of the action in that panel, but it's definitely something I never did again. I mean, I'd eventually have photoshop effects to do that sort of thing.
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